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查找并下载 Windows Live Mail. 如果你一直在使用 Windows Live Mail,你可能希望尝试使用一下 Windows Mail 应用。 如果你使用 Microsoft 帐户登录到电脑,你的电子邮件地址已在“邮件”应用中进行设置。 并且“邮件”应用将与你的电脑和 Windows Phone 上的“人脉”和“日历 Microsoft has just released a new version of the Mail, Calendar, and People apps that are pre-installed on all versions of Windows 8 and 8.1. This fresh build, which is currently being delivered Connect to your Gmail account! FEATURES: • Easy to use interface • Back, Forward and Refresh buttons for easy navigation • Read incoming messages in the Inbox • Compose new meassges • Deleate, Archive and Mark your emails • Manage Sent mails, Drafts and your personal Labels • Manage your Contacts • Search Windows 8“邮件”应用内置于 Windows 8 和 Windows RT 中。 如果您已使用 Microsoft 帐户登录 Windows,那么在您第一次打开 Windows 8“邮件”应用时,它已准备好供您添加电子邮件帐户。 本主题适用于中国世纪互联运营的 Microsoft 365。 如何为 Windows 8“邮件”添加电子邮件帐户或更改其应用设置。 • Windows Live Mail (often wrongly called Live Mail) is a different program, first released in 2006 and most recently updated in 2012. There were versions available for download for Windows Vista and for Windows 7. • Mail (often wrongly called Windows Mail) is the name of the mail app on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
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Mail是Windows 8.1及更高版本的免费内置应用程序。 如果转到Microsoft下载页面,将获得一个名为wlsetup-web.exe的1.18 MB文件,该文件只是下载实际应用 源代码编辑器。 Visual Studio-最终的Microsoft开发人员工具。 电子书实用程序. Bookviser-Windows 8设备的出色应用程序,可轻松读取电子书办法。 Nylas Mail-基于现代网络构建的可扩展桌面邮件应用程序。 邮箱-Power 在确定了正确的驱动程序后,点击建议的解决方案栏中的链接获得相关的指导支持文档或登录惠普客户支持- 软件和驱动下载下载驱动程序。
11/01/2014 2845533 Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 update rollup: June 2013 After update rollup 2811660 is applied, the Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer check box is disabled in this scenario. Status. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to 10/12/2012 How to change the name of a Microsoft Account in Windows 8. When you are logged into Windows 8, Windows will display your full name next to your account picture on the Start Screen. 14 rows
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