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Original name in latin Sfax Name in other language Gorad Sfaks, SFA, Safakes, Safakis, Safaqis, Sfaks, Sfaksas, Sfakso, Sfax, Sfvks, Szfaksz, Taparura, Thaenae Definition of SFAX in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of SFAX. What does SFAX mean? Information and translations of SFAX in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
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SFAX est la seconde ville de Tunisie, elle se situe à 300km de Tunis. Notre père travaillait à SFAX de Septembre 1958 à octobre à 1959 dans une société d'étude et de recherche pétrolières (GREP). Il prenait l'avion réservé au personnel tous les vendredis pour rentrer à Tunis et repartait le lundi le matin pour SFAX. Sfax. Sfax: translation. noun. the second largest city in Tunisia; located in eastern Tunisia near a phosphate region 4/1/2019 · A visit to Sfax is an opportunity to experience contemporary Tunisian life unmediated by the demands of tourism. Though there are few tourist sights of note, an afternoon stroll through the medina – perhaps the country's most important after the one in Tunis – provides an insight into how the modern and the ancient, and the mercantile and the spiritual, can coexist in cultural and Sfax (arabieraz: صفاقس Safāqis) Tunisiako erdi-ekialdeko hiria eta portua da, izen bereko gobernamenduko hiriburua, Gabesko golkoaren ertzean (Mediterraneo itsasoa), Kerkennah uharteen aurrean. 265.131 biztanle (2004). Tunisiako lehen merkataritza-portua da, eta olioa, espartzua, fruituak eta, batez ere, fosfatoak esportatzen dira handik. Nid Douillet Pour 2 - Featuring free Wi-Fi in public areas, Nid Douillet Pour 2 apartment is situated in Sfax, 4.3 miles from Sfax-Thyna International airport. SFAX it, Sfax. 380 likes · 1 talking about this. History Museum ES Metlaoui - Sfaxien Sfax, Ligue Professionnelle 1, Tunisia, Wednesday, April 7, 2021
支持以下Microsoft 驱动程序文件夹内容:. UNI:通用驱动, PCL6:PCL6打印驱动程序. PS:PS打印驱动, PCL5c:PCL5c打印驱动程序. XPS:XPS打印驱动程序, FAX:网络传真 随易联SFax安全移动传真是传真工具频道下深受用户喜爱的软件,太平洋下载中心提供随易联SFax安全移动传真官方下载。 随易联SFax安全移动传真 1.0 随易联SFax安全移动传真手机版. 高速下载. 发布软件/应用. 版 本:1.0. 软件授权:共享软件. 软件类型:国产软件. 软件语言:简体中文. 更新时间:2009-06-06. 应用平台:Win7/XP/2000/2003/Vista.
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